This is a little sentimental, but I guess we all probably (hopefully) have a long line of people in our pasts worth thanking that we’ll never actually get to thank. Because we didn’t appreciate what they did for us enough at the time. Because we did appreciate it, but didn’t say so. Because we’ve lost touch. Because we haven’t lost touch, but it’s weird to go around thanking people for random things they don’t even remember doing or saying 20 years ago.
So, I exorcised a bunch of my gratitude all at once by putting it into a song, sparing myself – by the most conservative estimate – at least 50 awkward encounters I might otherwise feel compelled to instigate. Whew.
If you read the lyric and wonder if it could possibly be about you, it probably is in one way or another. My bar for what qualifies as a show of friendship is considerably lower than most people’s, to the point that I consider anyone who doesn’t cut me off in traffic to have done me an almost unspeakable kindness. (Yeah, it can get exhausting.)
Without further ado, here’s…