Hell Yes, I Like Your Mustache
Hell yes, I like your mustache
It’s a real sight to see
Never seen one like that
Since Ron Burgundy
Not just a flavor saver
But a modern work of art
Hell yes, I like your mustache
And your Oldsmobile car
Hell yes, I like your mustache
Not hipster but sincere
Save for Sam Elliott
I’ve never seen its peer
It’s not allowed in school zones
Puts all the world on its heels
Hell yes, I like your mustache
Those sweatpants seal the deal
Hell yes, I like your mustache
Burt Reynolds would approve
So glad to see it brought back
It’s luxurious and smooth
No, I don’t want to join you
In that rest stop bathroom
But hell yes, I like your mustache
And I wish the best for you
Copyright © 2014 by Chris M. Wilcox