Happy New Year
In the words of Todd Snider:
I resolve to do what I always do
And I only ever make it a day or two
Action required
As this site enters its ninth calendar year, some of the technology it was built on is getting a bit creaky. I’m planning to switch out the system that emails you new posts. As part of this change, you will receive a confirmation link within the next few days that you’ll need to click to continue receiving new posts, if you want them.
Speaking of technology, if you’d care to help with the year’s hosting bill, you can still throw a couple bucks here. I would appreciate it.
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night
I didn’t miss a day of walking in 2021: 365 walks in all. Fittingly for an activity conducted every day regardless of external or internal circumstances, I completed the last walk of the year with a headache, just before dusk. Neighbors then set off fireworks in my honor, I think, which you must admit is a peculiar way to honor someone who has a headache.
These shoes…
… have walked at least 700 miles since March. No wonder wearing them now feels somewhat like strapping bologna slices to one’s feet. Thank you for your service, shoes.
December litter-picking stats
Less litter-picking happened in December, what with holiday activities, shorter days, and getting rained out a few times. Still, I fit in 17 hours of bucket time and received 5 thanks, for an overall rate of .29 thanks per hour (or 3.4 hours of picking per thanks, if you want to make it sound more dire). It’s slightly interesting to compare this to August through November, but on the whole I don’t find the statistic particularly useful and don’t expect I’ll keep reporting it in the future.
I feel thanked, every day, in ways that don’t involve anyone saying “thanks.” For example, just yesterday, no one hit me with their car.
For a New Beginning
If you’ll forgive the Facebook link, here’s a lovely John O’Donohue poem for a new year. It comes from the book To Bless the Space Between Us.
Thinking of you
Unfortunately, the odds are good that some of you have caught the Omicron variant since I last wrote, so I hope that your recovery is, or has been, swift and full. Please accept all my best wishes for a happy, healthy 2022.